Super-Hot Drinks with a Handheld Milk Frother


Do you enjoy drinking a latte in the morning before work? While your local coffee shop can whip this up for you, you can make the same, frothy cup o' Joe yourself at home. All you need is a cheap handheld milk frother to get the job done. Milk frothers aerate your milk, adding tiny pockets of air via whisking. This transforms the milk into that frothy goodness that enhances your cappuccino or latte.

To help you in your pursuit of barista-grade frothing, we've rounded up the best handheld milk frothers that you can get your hands on in 2020. Afterward we'll also be taking a quick look at the basics of this coffee preparation equipment to help further understand how frothers work and how you should use them.

This is one example of what you can put together with the help of a milk frother. You will discover many different variations on this drink but this can be described as a basic and straightforward recipe.

  • Place a good spoon of powdered cocoa into a tumbler
  • Add a little bit of sugar
  • Heat a little milk in your microwave or on your stove
  • Add a little of the warm milk to the hot chocolate mix and sugar.
  • Blend until chocolate and sugar have dissolved.
  • Get your handheld milk frother and use it to whip up the rest of the milk until you see a creamy foamy texture.
  • Now, scoop the froth onto the hot chocolate.
  • Drop a little cocoa powder or cinnamon on top to finish.
  • If you have any marshmallows you could also add this either before you put the foam on the top or maybe you can place it on top.

That is all there is to it. So if you love frothy drinks and you are looking for a cheap and effective way to able to make them in your own kitchen, something like an Aerolatte milk frother. Look online and you will find a model that will suit your needs.Milk frothers help enhance the experience of drinking your favorite coffee, cappuccino, latte, etc. For coffee aficionados such as myself, I sometimes crave for that lush foamy goodness in my morning beverage.

Now, there is no need to head onto your local coffee shop to get your frothy fix, with the help of a handheld milk frother, you can create your very own right in the comfort of your own home.

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